
About Media Double Standards

ladycatnip8/12/2009 1:20:11 pm PDT

Helen Thomas is seeing through the media double standard.

Barack Obama, the eternal campaigner, held a healthcare town hall, which even Helen Thomas and her just-as-liberal cohort, Chip Reid of CBS, called “orchestrated,” “tightly-controlled,” and seemingly “less transparent” than any previous White House occupants had ever dared. The questions posed to the President, it’s now quite obvious, must indeed be orchestrated because he is tasked with selling legislation that he himself has neither read nor understands. And the worst of this becoming-nastier-by-the-day conundrum is that the whole cockamamie plan is built upon a disastrously failed European-socialist model, which has proven again and again and again to raise costs, lower quality and ration care. The only real difference seems to be that the Democrats’ plan will allow those already at the table to reap even more profits than before, and we will be the ones footing the outrageous tab.

Some on the left are apparently not happy about the Won’s so-called transparency.