
Rep. Souder Resigns After Affair Becomes Public

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/18/2010 12:17:17 pm PDT

re: #215 EmmmieG

Let me introduce you to inductive reasoning. “X was a US president. Lots of US presidents had mistresses. Therefore X had a mistress.”

I have never heard a name mentioned as a possible mistress for George Washington with the exception of Sally Fairfax, and we have no proof that that was more than letters.

OH for crying out loud, Thank you for reminding me of the name. Sally Fairfax, and then there was a cousin that that was involved too… Or so my old history professor taught me some time ago. Let’s for the sake of argument but GW in a grey zone. For the sake of argument and not having the main point dismissed.

There is no question at all in the cases of Jefferson, Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy.

Genetic testing of the descendent’s of Sally Hemmings proves Jefferson’s case - as do other contemporary accounts from France when he was there.

The fact the Lincoln had Syphilis and Mary Todd did not proves his case.

The fact that Eleanor refused her husbands bed for the legnth of their marriage over his affair with his chief secretary is well documented. I forget the woman’s name. Look it up.

The point is that these are all people you would vote for, and they all screwed around.