
SPLC: Family Research Council License-to-Kill Claim 'Outrageous'

Gus8/16/2012 7:05:18 pm PDT

Moronic article. Actually I could just say Breitbart article:

Will DOJ Take Action on FRC Shooting?

Yesterday’s violent attack on the conservative Family Research Council by an apparent gay rights activists puts the spotlight on the Obama Justice Department. Will the Department seriously investigate the shooting – which was motivated by anger at FRC’s advocacy of traditional Christian values including opposition to gay marriage – as a hate crime and, if appropriate, prosecute it as such? Those concerned with equal justice under the law should and will be watching to see whether the Department of Justice does the right thing here.

DOJ’s handling of the FRC case would be closely watched under any President, given the long-standing, nationwide underenforcement of hate crimes laws when the bias behind the crime does not fit a politically correct narrative involving hostility to Muslims, gays, racial minorities and the like. But the attention on Eric Holder’s Justice Department will be particularly intense here, given the well-documented politicization of its Civil Rights Division.

If the reported details of the FRC shooting are accurate, this case is a textbook example of a hate crime. After a security guard took away his gun, suspect Floyd Corkins said, “Don’t shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for.” Corkins is a volunteer at the DC Center for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender) Community, while FRC is a Christian-oriented, pro-life, traditional values organization that has been at the forefront of opposition to same-sex marriage…