
Has Anybody Seen the GOP's Sense of Humor Lately?

Kosh's Shadow6/18/2009 10:50:32 am PDT

re: #5 Pianobuff

Apparently, the lack of a sense of humor occasionally yields its own results…..

Olive Garden pulls Letterman ads
Following a week of back and forth between CBS late night comic David Letterman and Sarah Palin over a crude joke he told about the Alaska Republican governor“We apologize that Mr. Letterman’s mistake, which was not consistent with our standards and values, left you with a bad impression of Olive Garden,” wrote Sherri Bruen, the company’s guest relations manager.

Of course, they might have done the same thing if Letterman had joked about an adult having sex with a Democrat’s underage daughter.
And I hope lizards would have been just as offended, because his remark was inappropriate no matter the political party of her family.