
Right Wing Blogs: Possessed?

Cato the Elder6/13/2010 11:23:17 am PDT

And right on cue, the moral morons are crying “freedom of speech! help! I’m being repressed!”

Constitutional Peasants - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Listen, Pam: no one is abridging your right to be a mental midget and trumpet that fact to the world. You are free to hate all you like, and post about it every day. You are also free to pay for it, or wheedle money out of your retarded fans to pay for it, and live off the surplus.

You are not free to use the good offices of a reputable business in support of your schemes, however. If you offered me a tithe of every jar tip that comes your way, I would still not touch you with a barge-pole.

That’s known as freedom of association.