
We Hope You're Ready for Another Democratic Debate

Blind Frog Belly White4/14/2016 9:30:53 pm PDT

re: #228 MsJ

I had a friend of mine tell me she remembered some stupid thing with a Guinea pig from when we were kids, and I was like, nope, never happened. I never had a kiddie pool for my piggies when I was young (or ever, I’ve had piggies as an adult, too). But she was adamant this thing that never happened happened.

Odd how the human brain works.

This sister embroiders her life. I played football and ran track, One brother played baseball, the other ran track. Both other sisters played field hockey, and were cheerleaders. This one? Nothing. She read books. Lots of books. Barely ever left her room, let alone going outside.

I heard from my siblings she’d said, “I was always the athletic one.”