
Watch LIVE: MSNBC Democratic Candidates Debate

Testy Toad T2/04/2016 7:31:36 pm PST

re: #238 BeachDem

I missed it-what did she say? (I loved Wellstone)

Stealing from 538’s coverage:

Hillary Clinton hit a chord among liberals with a memory earlier this evening by invoking the name of Paul Wellstone, the 1990s senator from Minnesota who died in a plane crash in 2002. She pointed out that Wellstone voted for the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, a bill that allowed states to refuse to recognize the same-sex marriages allowed by other states. (Its key section was struck down by the Supreme Court in 2013.) That one act, Clinton suggested, didn’t disqualify Wellstone from his membership in the progressive pantheon. In fact, Wellstone deeply regretted his vote on DOMA, as two of his sons have noted on their blog. “What troubles me,” Wellstone wrote in 2001, “is that I may not have cast the right vote on DOMA. When Sheila and I attended a Minnesota memorial service for Matthew Shepard, I thought to myself, ‘Have I taken a position that contributed to a climate of hatred?’” His sons wrote that they believe he would have proud of the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the law.

Work takes me to St. Paul roughly monthly, and you’ll see several [Wellstone!] bumper stickers every day, nearly 15 years after he died.