
Now for Something Amazing: Daniele Gottardo​'s "Caligula"

Interesting Times8/22/2017 9:11:12 am PDT

re: #238 Belafon

And yet, we’re currently going through a phase where the biggest group influenced by conmen are the people who don’t like our current progress.

If you’re referring to word “innovation” in the section I quoted, I wouldn’t take it too literally (or assume it only refers to what appears to be technical/scientific achievement). Think of “innovation = con” as it manifested itself in the financial crisis, the “trickle-down” scam, the “big, beautiful wall” idiocy, the “durr hurr trump a brilliant businessman” derp, and so on. Maybe instead of “innovation”, the term should’ve been “get rich quick” or “entrepreneurship.”

I think the author’s point is, America falls too much in love with grandiose, simplistic, showy promises (and sadly, GOPers are good at that while Dems aren’t -_- )