
Yet Another Massive Fail by Jim Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internet

Targetpractice5/08/2016 6:07:20 pm PDT

re: #224 Skip Intro

This is how it’s going to go.

Trump will tweet something like:

“I’ve been told by people really high up in the Clinton Administration that at Christmas Hillary would decorate their tree with dead baby parts. Disgusting!”

The media will then run the Hillary to ask if she really did that. When she denies it they’ll say that Trump has sources who say it’s true, and why would they lie?

It’s going to be like this for the next six damn months.

And a smart campaign doesn’t deal with it. A smart campaign turns the questions back around on the media: “Where’s his proof? Who are his sources? Why aren’t you doing your jobs investigating this?” They’ll try to argue that she’s “avoiding the issue,” but when they keep pressing the issue and keep getting rebuffed, eventually they’re going to move on.