
LGF: The Offender

swamprat10/17/2009 9:11:06 am PDT

re: #31 Dan Tanna

amazing…being a blowhard precludes one from participating in an NFL franchise.

under those narrow rules, mark cuban should be stripped of his nba team…

sounds more like the thought police

Sounds like someone doesn’t find racism all that offensive.
I find your comments to be disquieting.
WTF are you saying? That racism is a “thought crime” that should be allowed ?
I find that a rather dubious arguement; that we should allow people the freedom to try to take away freedoms.
I find it offensive for someone to claim that racism deserved a fair shake.
You could have said that a man who blabbers for three hours a day is bound to have a “comment 17”, now and then, Or you could have have claimed it was all a mistake, and rush was not a racist, just misguided, or something.
But you defended the concept of racism as not being a “thought crime”.
As if no concept should be put in this catagory!
Racism is a thought crime.
Genocide is a thought crime.
Rape also.
You can add enslavement.

You can also kiss my ass.