
Scott Brown's Tea Party Honeymoon is Over

Stonemason2/22/2010 8:10:03 pm PST

So in reality this is a good thing right? there was much gnashing of teeth when the man was elected, how he was a huge fan of the tea party set, how he was the worst thing to happen to government since President Bush or the Texas School Board.

But I read many of the comments up-thread and everyone still seems to think the guy is a right wing nut job. I see him as a Senator from Massachusetts, who was pushed by the right wing fringe but elected by the center…much like our current President was pushed by the left wing fringe and elected by the center.

If he votes for jobs and against the health care boondoggle, he does his job.

Now, let’s get Sestak past Specter! (so Toomey has an easier run in November)