
Michelle Wolf Explains How to Properly Crush the Souls of Trump's Cronies

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/02/2018 9:17:59 am PDT

re: #236 Dr. Matt

I have zero empathy for them. They deserve this shit. They voted for Bevin. They vote for the GOP. The Left warned them over and over and over.

But, hey, their side “won” and now they can “own the libz” while they wait in the ER for their healthcare.

“They” didn’t vote for Bevin, more conservatives did than liberals voting against him.

This is the same “punish everyone” attitude I despise, including liberals who are in the minority.

I see lots of support for “rock stars” like Beto O’Rourke and such, and no support for those trying to fight against the grind such as liberals in Kentucky (or my own state).

When the conversation gets to “punish that whole state because they deserve it,” it’s time for me to bail out of the conversation. Catch y’all later… .