
The Cain-Gingrich Endorsement

Dark_Falcon1/28/2012 10:44:05 pm PST

re: #236 Olsonist

Hmmm. Non political gerrymandering? There have been several attempts and it turns political fast. Perhaps we could let the French do it for us. Yeah, that’d work.

Seriously, gerrymandering doesn’t have a you cut I choose easy solution.

There are other problems. Why does New Mexico and Rhode Island get two Senators each? Why don’t voters in DC have House or Senate representation? These are very gerrymandering-like.

Gerrymandering is easy to attack and hard to improve on.

All states have two seats in the Senate as an anti-majoritarian device of the Constitution. The intent was and remains to ensure that less populous regions cannot be tyrannized by more heavily peopled areas.