
How Conservative Columnist George Will Lies With Statistics

Shvaughn1/27/2013 10:24:36 am PST

re: #240 Killgore Trout

I think mainstreaming the conspiracy theory that Obama’s DoJ killed Arron is every bit as stupid as anything from Alex Jones or Glenn Beck. It’s stupid and it’s untrue. The fact that Anon press releases and paranoid conspiracy theories are promoted by mainstream progressive websites is very unhelpful and damages credibility when pointing out that conservative sites do the same thing. It’s nutty and it’s a turn off to people who may otherwise be persuaded to rethink their positions. Would you give a pass to Glenn Beck for repeating some bogus press release from Americans for prosperity? Of course not.
Spreading antigovernment conspiracy theories about our our president is a dickish and destructive thing to do no matter who does it.

Okay, so you think that by quoting the Anon press release they’re “mainstreaming the conspiracy theory”?

You mean like when you quoted it above or what?

Cuz, like, in that post on DailyKos, that’s just reporting, man. It’s not endorsing and not claiming ideas as their own. In fact, they’re quoting from a mainstream news source when they blockquote the Anon statement.

You tried to claim that “Dkos accuses the Obama regime of killing hacker” except they did no such thing, no more than any other blog or news agency did. What is your support for this statement? Other than you blatantly lying.