
Human-Toad Hybrid Dick Morris Dropped by Fox

Orange Impostor2/06/2013 7:42:58 am PST

re: #202 dragonath

‘Stand-alone’ Star Wars films planned

jar Jar Strikes Back

Given the pedigree of the people they say are responsible for these scripts, I don’t think so.

The films, written by Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg, will be released between 2015 and 2021, he continued.
Kasdan has a long association with Lucasfilm, having worked on the scripts of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi - the second and third instalments of the first Star Wars trilogy.

It’s worth noting that TESB was very much a Kasdan script, while Jedi was shared between him and Lucas. Kasdan also was primary scriptwriter for Raiders of the Lost Ark.

That being said, keep him out of the director’s chair - those efforts have turned out to be disastrous at times.