
Kim Davis's Attorneys Say She Met Secretly With Pope Francis - UPDATE: Vatican Spokesman Confirms Meeting

Sir John Barron9/30/2015 8:11:55 am PDT

From downstairs:

But more importantly, watch as Rep. Chaffetz lies outright and says, “I pulled those numbers directly out of your corporate reports.”

No, he did not. The chart was created by Americans United for Life, a radical anti-choice organization, and it’s not just laughably over-simplified, it’s deliberately deceptive. Like so much of the propaganda these people circulate.

When Cecile Richards points this out to Chaffetz, he doesn’t apologize for lying, of course. He just moves on with a smile.

“I pulled those numbers directly out of your corporate reports.”

“No, you didn’t, they’re from Americans United for Life.”


That chart, good lawd.