
The Perfect Take: Monica Martin & Scary Pockets, "Thoughtless"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/07/2019 7:48:18 am PST

re: #226 stpaulbear

Because he thought he was as invulnerable as this guy?

An American ‘crypto-anarchist’ fled the country. He was just killed in Mexico’s ‘murder capital.’

Crypto-anarchists are a thing, and there’s an annual event in Acapulco — Anarchapulco — organized each year by a dodgy fellow named Jeff Berwick. No doubt “John Galton” and Berwick knew each other, and Berwick is trying to do some damage control leading up to this year’s conference.

I watched a few of Berwick’s YouTube videos. Makes my skin crawl. He’s one of those guys who charges large sums of money to teach people about cryptocurrencies, hard metals, and Austrian economics. And anarchism.