
Romney on Why He Didn't Mention Troops or Afghanistan: "You Talk About Things You Think Are Important"

Targetpractice9/07/2012 3:30:25 pm PDT

re: #240 Killgore Trout

LOL. You’re right. Christian Science Monitor had an article a few months back explaining Mitt’s economic vision in reasonably fair terms but I can’t find it now.The problem is that if you get Mitt’s opinions from MSNBC or Think Progress you can get a pretty warped idea about what Mitt’s positions actually are (eg. He thinks troops are unimportant). I Can’t find the CSM article but Mitt’s proposed economic plans are basically old retreads of fiscal conservatism which still has appeal to a lot of people.

Appeal to who? And why? I’m sure the rich love his ideas of further tax cuts and deregulation, but for the rest of us, it’s just “more of the same.”