
Lake Street Dive: "Stop Your Crying"

Hecuba's daughter11/15/2020 10:19:18 am PST

re: #155 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I mean what the hell else am I supposed to conclude? I do blame social media for creating bubbles for people politically and maybe I’m just as guilty but there’s a lot of deusion in Trump world.

Too much time lurking in the RW bubble can suck anyone in. There is the real world and then there is alternative reality— and this alternative reality blinds you to the truth and makes you more susceptible to accepting statements that are outright lies. Bubbles mean that you hang out with like minded acquaintances and not be exposed to other perspectives. But the term bubble is also describes investment opportunities that are not based on a real evaluation of the products but the enthusiasm of other investors — and tend to implode and leave those still invested much poorer for the experience.