
Overnight Open Thread

pittrader19884/22/2009 4:23:26 am PDT

Off the cuff, and topics on this thread

I am a little ticked at Perez Hilton. What a set up. I believe that reasonable people can disagree on gay marriage. This is not like slavery. The contestant from California said biblically, she doesn’t support gay marriage. She lost. Miss NC won, and said she didn’t favor higher taxes.

As the fires have raged here, I think we can agree that we favor separation of church and state. I think Miss CA understood that line very well.

In subsequent interviews, she has exposed herself as a Christian, and she said she doesn’t support the bailouts, higher taxes. So is she a right wing wingnut, or does she have a core set of beliefs?

I think that we should have civil unions, and keep marriages in churches. I do believe that marriage in the bible is defined as opposite sexes; but civil law is different than biblical law.

Perez Hilton may have done more to hurt his cause than help it by setting her up.