Comment Desperately Spinning Romney's Jerusalem Speech

Birth Control Works7/30/2012 7:31:17 pm PDT

re: #243 researchok

Consider this:

The child comes home from school, sings a songh about killing Jews and mom and dad applaud and say, ‘Again!’

Why, because like the child, they too have been served the same alcohol.

More: Suppose a client in the Arab world says, ‘Doctor, I don’t want to kill Jews. I don’t want to kill anyone.’

The psychiatrist will then tell the client he is crazy and needs help to ‘overcome’ his illness.

That is for real.

With the LDS cult in Texas existing in modern day, and reading William Shirer and Robert Caro (among others). I am most cynical about the addiction of power and the human’s ability to discern the truth.