
Jim Hoft's Latest Sick Crusade: Attack NGOs Receiving Federal Money to Shelter Immigrant Kids

lawhawk7/22/2014 9:55:27 am PDT

re: #229 FemNaziBitch

Democide: the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.

Ethnic cleansing: the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society. Forcible relocation of a group from a geographic area/region.

Genocide: the systematic and deliberate killing of a particular ethnic, cultural or religious group because they belong to that particular ethnic, cultural or religious group.

There’s also politicide, which includes the deliberate physical destruction of a group whose members share the main characteristic of belonging to a political movement.

Ethnic cleansing can be undertaken in context of both genocide and democide. Genocide specifically relates to the democide or politicide on grounds of a specific policy to slaughter a group on their ethnic, cultural or religious beliefs. It is frequently a policy that is undertaken in conjunction with genocide or democide, but can be a standalone policy.

Genocide is a specific form of democide.