
Video: Stephen Colbert's Brilliant Riff on the Trump Team's Blatant Lying About the Russian Meeting at Trump Tower

Mattand6/07/2018 5:29:09 am PDT

Fucking Politico…

There’s an article titled “Obama’s Retirement Fail”. These fucking people; I’m trying to resist reading the article because I’m guessing the abstract is “Obama has not single handedly removed Trump from office with his retired POTUS superpowers, therefore FAIL.”

I think that’s the second “THANKS, Obama” bullshite they’ve featured in the last two months or so. That site just can’t resist the Magic Balance Fairy heroin.

This is what kills me about orgs like them, The Hill, CNN, etc. It’s like they get nervous publishing so much negative stuff about the GOP. Well, you know what, kids? IT’S BECAUSE THE GOP IS TRYING TO TEAR DOWN THE COUNTRY PIECE BY PIECE SO THEY CAN RULE FOREVER.

When the Dems get to sowing the ISIS level chaos the GOP has, go for it. Until then, stow the false balance shit. As long as conservatives have Fox News, they will never consider anything else a legitimate news source.