
Sunday Night Jam: Bonnie Raitt - Used to Rule the World

Lidane5/21/2012 7:57:29 am PDT


Missouri Legislature Approves Bill Allowing Employers To Deny Access To Birth Control

Missouri legislators passed a bill Friday that allows employers or health insurance providers to stop offering coverage for contraception, abortion, or sterilization if doing so violates their religious or moral convictions. The bill now goes to Gov. Jay Nixon (D), who has not said whether he supports the legislation.

The measure mirrors a federal restriction proposed by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that has not progressed in Congress and is designed to push back against the Obama administration’s rule requiring contraception coverage to be included in insurance plans at no additional cost.

While some Democrats opposed the anti-contraception bill, it passed the Senate 28-6 and the House 105-33.