
Paul Ryan's Total War on Women's Rights

b_sharp8/11/2012 3:37:32 pm PDT

re: #247 Belafon

Bush decided the best thing to do was sell the can: He had a budget surplus which he traded in for tax cuts, and then did not pay for the wars.

Ryan strikes me as being in the same mold as the Republicans were after 1994: While Clinton wanted to lower the deficit - he signed a tax increase - the Republicans were only against spending while a Democrat was president. And Ryan proved it with his votes after Bush won office. If Romney wins, and the Senate split 50-50, Ryan would cast every deciding vote to increase spending and lower taxes on the wealthy.

There already is a party that is willing to fix the deficit and debt issues in a reasonable, grown up way. We call its members Democrats. There used to be members in the Republican party that would meet Democrats in the middle; Ryan is not one of them.

I think Iraq was supposed to pay for the war.