
Congress Gives Itself a $93,000 Raise

redmirabai1/31/2009 2:02:28 pm PST

Congress is doing this at the first opportunity, because in 2 years, when many are up for re-election, any bringing up of this by their opponents will meet again with American indifference to “old news.” That is, if it is even reported.
Does anyone remember how Clinton ran the first time on lowering taxes, and what—5 minutes?—after he was sworn in, he found, to his sorrow, that he could not cut taxes? Did anyone call him out on his lies 4 years later? We did not. We are enthralled with the bright shiny object the magician is waving in front of our eyes, whether it is a new cell phone or a veritably unknown but plausible candidate for POTUS, or any other seat, for that matter.

The flaw is human nature, and our child-like enthrallment with shiny surfaces. The result is not just the current administration, but much of our financial straits, too. God, I wish I could see this when I was younger; I do better now, but when I’m almost irrelevant.