
Kim Davis's Attorneys Say She Met Secretly With Pope Francis - UPDATE: Vatican Spokesman Confirms Meeting

Kate12309/30/2015 2:03:33 am PDT

According to the article in the NYT, Staver said that he and the Vatican Embassy wanted to keep the meeting private so that the Pope’s visit to the U.S. was not focused on Kim Davis! WTF? Staver is delusional because Davis is old news. Nobody would mistake her “happening to be at the Vatican, when the Pope approached her and she asked him to pray for her.” She and her husband were allegedly snuck into the Embassy so as to not detract attention from the Pope.

It’s long past time for this woman to resign. She’s still hunting for the big $$$ she hoped would come from the mess she created when she refused to do her job. I’m waiting for someone in the press to ask her loudly and clearly, why she didn’t refuse marriage licenses to those who had been divorced as the Bible is certainly clear on not separating what God has joined together. Well, Kimmie, which is it? You believe in all of the Bible or only the parts you agree with and which doesn’t affect your 2nd, 3rd & 4th marriages? Don’t worry, you have plenty of company among the RW, although I certainly wouldn’t say you’re in good company with Limbaugh, Gingrich, Sanford, Vitter and many more.