
LGF: The Offender

dugmartsch10/17/2009 7:16:08 am PDT

re: #1 Dan Tanna

When people like Krauthammer, Juan Williams, among others have spoken out about the Rush controversy, it makes you realize how biased and wrong these attacks on Rush are.

You dont have to love or be a fan of Rush…However, it is sad that things have degenerated to the point that one can be blackballed just because one holds right of center views.

One should be blackballed when they’ve built a career being a race-baiter speaking bigot code to millions of listeners for well on 30 years, a process that’s been accelerating since a black man won the presidency.

That said, of course, he hasn’t been blackballed. The people trying to buy a team in the privately owned NFL realized that partnering with a race baiting bigot wasn’t going to win them any points.