
Jim 'Dim' Hoft: 'We're All Birthers Now'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/20/2011 10:35:05 am PDT

re: #15 Charles

Guests include:

Gordon Baum - CEO, Council of Conservative Citizens
Tarry Beasley - Attorney, Activist, Sons of the Confederate Veterans
Filip DeWinter - Member of Belgium Parliament (Vlaams Belang)
Gottfried Dulias - Former Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot /Survivor of Bolshevik Gulags, Author
David Duke - Author and former Louisiana State Representative
Doug French - Editor of Liberty Watch Magazine; columnist for
Scott Goldsmith - Owner of Dixie Republic
Michael Andrew Grissom - Celebrated Author of Confederate Heritage Books
Dr. Michael Hill - President of the League of the South
Bill Johnson - Chairman, American Third Position <— Those are Fascists, by the way
Ray McBerry - President of Dixie Broadcasting
Steve McIntyre - Nathan Bedford Forrest Re-enactor
Kyle Rogers - Webmaster, Council of Conservative Citizens
Bill Rolen - Board Member, Council of Conservative Citizens
Franklin Sanders - Southern Heritage Activist
Reverend John Weaver - Christian Patriot, Southern Heritage Activist