
Susan Rice Withdraws From Consideration for Sec. of State - Over Fake Scandal

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/13/2012 1:35:58 pm PST

This is a terrible shame.


I was wrong about some things…

1. I have not been posting here nearly as much as I used to and I truly had no idea about some of the shenanigans going on.

For example, I had no idea that Rochi was linking to fjordman or the EI had some list of enemies of free - speech. I really didn’t.

I am very sorry for unwittingly stepping into a minefield. I had much different explosives to discuss.

I walked blindly into a hornet’s nest. I had hoped that was clear.

2. OF course I do not support freaks like fjordman. And Pat Condell got more than a little too full of himself (to say the least). I haven’t seen one of his youtube things in about three years, so if he got worse, I would not be surprised, but I really don’t know.

3. Given that, I can see how people got very cranky and misunderstood what I was going for - if that is all there is to it. And for some, I am certain, that is indeed the case. However, it still gets out of hand even when things like the salient points of the post and its intent are plain as day. For others, it very clearly was magical balance fairies and for yet others it was just purposefully trolling.

4. But then again that is sort of the point within the point. That part I was not wrong about.

5. There used to be a point here where people could make a serious post full of serious points. People knew what the serious points were, and they knew what the intent of the post was. It was plain as day. They were not dragged down into a muck of BS pertaining to every extraneous thing other than the points - like pearl clutching over something that might be construed as “too broad” when the meaning was plain, or pearl clutching over the potential other meanings of given word when the meaning was plain.

6. I am not flouncing. I am currently writing about a certain trend in simply petty crap that only seems to have gotten worse. What is wrong with actually discussing the meat of a post?

7. I am sure many will go on a little pearl clutch about this “being all about me.” Actually not. It is about the tenor of the posts in general.