
Stock Market Yo-Yo Watch

aboo-Hoo-Hoo2/25/2009 3:03:23 pm PST

Yesterday it was reported: Homeland Security official affirms Mexican drug cartel violence has spilled over into Texas

Ok, so now DHS confirms, ‘yes’ we’ve a wee little problem with narco(whomever?)-terrorists coming over the border. But really, that’s no biggy, right, we all knew that was bound to occur?


The day before Fox news reported - DHS: Chances of Home-Grown Attack ‘Very Low’ but it gets even better with the lede:

Hours after the FBI expressed concern over home-grown terror attacks, the Department of Homeland Security said such an attack was unlikely.

Here’s the media poop on the FBI: U.S. Cities Vulnerable To Mumbai-Type Attacks, Warns FBI

Ok, fine…the DHS & FBI will go figure it out.

Yep…quite likely with Tom Perez as our new Head of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The very same

Thomas E. Perez, right, joined students in Annapolis to urge approval of a bill granting in-state tuition rates to undocumented immigrants.

The Taking of America 1-2-3.