
The Truth About the Clinton Foundation: It's One of the Top-Rated Charities in the US

darthstar8/24/2016 6:08:24 pm PDT

Hillary was only a few dozen miles from my home today. Trump must be closing in California!!!!11ty1!!

Nah…she’s just here to hit the ATM.

Now she’s in Los Altos Hills with an Apple VP. It happens here. I’m not offended. News cameras showing the line of Teslas waiting for the Valet. Teslas are our new Prius in this part of the world. Hell, I saw one coming home from Sea Ranch today…can barely find diesel on the coast up there - finding a plug in charger? Not so easy…unless you have one pre-installed where you’re going.

BTW, here’s my boy yesterday morning while I was having coffee. It is pretty there.

And these little fucking sea maggots were basically under our windows…love them though…they’re so fun to watch fwapping the crap out of a fish before chomping down…