
Overnight Open Thread

Gus6/24/2010 1:30:44 am PDT

re: #247 Fozzie Bear

Well, capitalism does have a fatal flaw. And it’s not what Marx envisioned.

Increases in the productive capacity of the individual worker via technological advancement mean that an ever smaller proportion of the population is needed to produce goods to provide for the whole (in basic material need), while capital is required by everyone to afford the products of that productive capacity.

So, we try to increase consumption, and increase the proportion of the economy that performs services. This can’t continue forever.

Neither Marx nor smith envisioned a world in which so little labor is needed to produce so much. And neither accounted for the results of this level of technological advancement. It is not sustainable economically, nor is it sustainable environmentally. (In terms of the increased consumption “solution” to he production capacity problem)

We have to find a way to make less with more, even while we make more with less. It’s a quandary.

Psst. Don’t tell anyone I told you this but Dr. John Holdren was right. Perhaps not in how to attain goals of population control but he and his peers were right.