
Overnight Open Thread

Jadespring11/24/2010 7:45:43 am PST

re: #240

The think is … I DID google for my links above, and he’s STILL not satisfied.

A few years ago I was chatting with some folks who were farmers/ranchers here.
They were very disturbed about the water situation, they were having to go further down to get water from wells, and in addition, their land was sinking because of the water depletion.. This is in a state where availability of water has never been a problem. It’s not a fake or “alarmist” issue. It’s real.

Over the past few years I’ve really garnered a heck of lot of respect for the real world knowledge that farmers hold that isn’t dependent on book type education. You want to get a good synopsis about the weather and climate in your area talk to old time farmers. The water situation? Farmers. These are folks who livelihoods are attuned to even the most minute changes in the ecosystems around us, things and trends that the average person just doesn’t notice.