
Robert Stacy McCain on Date Rape: 'You Buy the Ticket, You Take the Ride'

iceweasel12/08/2010 3:53:34 pm PST

re: #99 ralphieboy

Yes, which is why the discussions annoy me.

I am trying to get at another point here, one which is really hard to convey in a thread, is that these odd and antiquated traditions of courship that we so gleefully abandoned with the sexual revolution had their purposes, even if they were a bit stodgy and anachronistic.

And when we abandon them we are left having idiotic discussions about what constitutes “consent”.

Oh man.
Yes, let us by all means return to antiquated notions of courtship, where we’re not bothered by idiotic notions like ‘consent’.

Let us return gleefully to that abandoned time, when confusing and complicated concepts like “No means no” didn’t trouble us!