
Krauthammer: Obama in Bush Clothing

Guanxi885/22/2009 11:14:27 am PDT

re: #238 calcajun

What you suggest isn’t rebellion—it’s treason. It’s a revolt against the rule of law and the very thing that binds us together— our Constitution and our common heritage. I appreciate that some of your are frustrated and scared. Don’t be. As I told my very liberal neighbors in 2000 and in 2004, there’s precious little that one man can do to this Republic in four years that can’t be undone in the next four.

As I mentioned up-thread, we are not in a spot nearly as bad as it was in the 1930’s.

For the rest of you, have a peaceful weekend—just remember to thank those who paid for that peace.

Have some boudain with my upding!