
And Now, True Facts About Carnivorous Plants, From Zefrank

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/09/2018 2:08:37 am PDT

Getting back to my old soapbox of worldview collapse…

I have not heard, in my lifetime, a national leader, such as a President, willing to take on this problem.

The closest we got was Jimmy Carter, who tried to convince people that lifestyles matter and that change was needed.

He was reviled for this.

In great part, Ronald Reagan’s election was about America not wanting to hear what Jimmy Carter had to say.

40 years later and we’re still in the same position.

Old ways die hard. Cultures are passed down from one generation to another. Entire belief systems are passed on with little change, even unintentionally.

Ever notice how history shows, real history shows, are not very popular as TV productions?

Sure, on occasion, a very highly touted PBS series by Ken Burns gets some press, and maybe a couple of million viewers (adding up online viewers, etc.)

But that’s about it. Rarely do we find a successful continuing series about history.

Genealogy shows try, but they have to dole out the history in tiny drips or drabs so as not to turn off the audiences.