
TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/10/2010 4:33:04 pm PST

re: #249 iceweasel

He’s baiting another poster here who he has previously accused of not being a real scientist, among other even worse accusations and slurs.
And yes, the shit that gets flung in AGW threads would immediately be beaten down on a creationist thread. There’s quite a bit of overlap in the two camps— it’s just that the anti-science folks here now have learned not to do that about creationism.

This particular person however is not, I believe, any sort of creationist. The ‘uncool’ is about his continuing slander of another poster.

Well that and as usual, he comes out with strong blanket calims about the science, but never a single paper or journal article or bit of data to back up his wild claims. He then goes on to arrogantly presume that he knows what science is - in the absence of data, which is where science begins and ends - and gets pissy and calls others false, while pretending falsely to be reasonable.