
A Plague of Twitter Spammers

Fat Bastard Vegetarian11/24/2011 7:16:34 am PST

A friend of mine is already having a bad day. Funny FB post.

Sooo, I always brine the turkey, right? So this morning at 8 I pull the turkey out and give him a bath and he is draining. I pick up the brine bucket to pour it out and it split down the middle and all that liquid doused me and filled my kitchen floor about an inch deep. So I call Jamie & Cassie and they come over with the steam mop and we have to pull out the oven and fridge and mop. Doing laundry now.

That’s not all. This turkey’s skin is torn and his legs are dangling. Being a nurse, I decide to suture his skin so the breast meat won’t get dry. It ain’t purty. A nurse I am, a surgeon, I’m not. So I got him sutured and dressed and in the pan. I decide to shake pepper on him and the lid pops off and the entire (full) shaker spills on him. It’s going to be more like a blackened turkey.
So. Frankenbyrd is in the oven. I’m resting now.