
Gil Scott-Heron Visualized: 'Where Did The Night Go'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/12/2012 10:30:51 pm PST

BTW, I see PaleoPat has a new column out, featured at Townhall, in which he adulates Ron Paul:

[Praise for Paul’s doomer goldbug outlook…]

Aware it is unlikely he will ever be president, the 76-year-old soldiers on in the belief that this cause will one day triumph in a party where he was, not long ago, seen as an odd duck, but a party where today he speaks for a national constituency.


There is a gnawing fear in the GOP that Paul will quit the party when the primaries are over and run as a third-party candidate on the Libertarian or some other line in the November election.

Not going to happen. Such a decision would sunder the movement Paul has pulled together, bring about his own and his party’s certain defeat in November, and re-elect Barack Obama.

Paul would become a pariah in his party, while his son, Sen. Rand Paul, who would be forced to endorse his father over the GOP nominee, would be ruined as a future Republican leader.

Why would Dr. Paul do this, when the future inside the GOP looks bright not only for him but for his son?


That’s right, PaleoPat sees Ron Paul (and his son) as the future of the GOP.