
Sunday Night Video: 'Between'

TedStriker11/01/2009 7:43:04 pm PST

re: #238 Alouette

Greatest. Movie. Ever.

Jim: Well, it got so that every piss-ant prairie punk who thought he could shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco Kid. I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille. It got pretty gritty. I started to hear the word “draw” in my sleep. Then one day, I was just walking down the street when I heard a voice behind me say, “Reach for it, mister!” I spun around… and there I was, face-to-face with a six-year old kid. Well, I just threw my guns down and walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass. So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey bottle, and I’ve been there ever since.

Mel Brooks, Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Madeline Kahn, Harvey Korman, and Slim Pickens (along with Richard Pryor’s screenwriting)…all in their prime and on their game in Blazing Saddles.

/and it’s a movie that’d never be made in this day and age…but, damn, it’s a comedy classic!