
Seth Meyers: White House Offers to Call Nicki Minaj After Swollen Testicles Tweet

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/17/2021 9:10:13 am PDT

re: #149 No Malarkey!

Floriduh is averaging 510 deaths a day right now.

According to Worldometer, we’ve surpassed our peak number of active cases in Nebraska a few weeks ago. Currently we have 82,315 (that would be from our state’s weekly summary reports). That rate is increasing; deaths will follow in a couple weeks.

The total number of deaths recorded is 2,368 (we’ve wiped out the population of our seventy-third largest county out of ninety-three).

The Nebraska Panhandle still has one of the lowest vaccination rates of any area in the USA. I live in a soup of Covid-19.

Hospitalisations are rising here again, now at twenty. The weekly positivity rate is 10.8% (and testing is not available unless you present to a hospital with symptoms or have returned from international travel, cost about $200, cash or cheque only).

Largest groups by age: 20-29, then 30-39, then 40-49

Total cases in the Panhandle plus Grant County: 10,633 (about 1/8 of the populace)

Percentage fully vaccinated: 36% (vaccines are only available in eight counties out of twelve, mostly at hospitals by appointment)