
Gaza Video Supplier Responds

gracie11/11/2009 11:25:00 am PST

Mr Martin, what kind of stupid morons do you think we are? Or better yet, what kind of stupid moron are you? The days when the MSM can air any kind of crap and fully expect the sheeple to accept it (it’s on TV, it must be true!) is long gone. Get over yourselves! I’m a nurse, experienced in countless code situations, and that video is a FAKE. The boys head obviously suffered no trauma. The CPR was obviously pantomimed. Of course the monitor showed a flat line, the leads weren’t even on the boy.

Next is the issue of the damage caused by the missile. I’m no expert in weapons, but it seems to me that it caused minor damage to the roof. Aren’t the IDF missiles supposed to be vastly more powerfull than the ones being fired by Hamas? So which is it?

Charles is gracious enough to allow you an account here to “plead your case”. The least you could do is stick around and respond to and take some responsibility for your crappy reporting.