
Wednesday Afternoon Change Locus

looking closely1/28/2009 1:27:24 pm PST

re: #219 So?

Bullshit. I don’t even believe the premise of this piece (eg that EVERY rat on the planet simultaneously improved in maze-running simultaneously). Its garbage.

But even assuming your second bit about monkeys is true, it means zero.

The fact that animal “A” in place “A” learns something and animal “B” in place “B” learns the same thing DOES NOT prove the existence of any kind of magical “field”.

By analogy, if I learn how to program my VCR and Bob from Ottawa learns how to program HIS VCR, why do you need to invoke some “field effect” to explain this? Its ridiculous.

If there really WERE some sort of extra-dimensional awareness linking all animals of a species, then EVERYONE would know how to program VCRs!