
The Roots of Obama's Nefarious Communist Volunteerist Plot - Revealed!

Guanxi8810/21/2009 10:18:21 am PDT


Now, I don’t know if you noticed there, but you pointed out exactly why the BBC world service is superior to Fox News.

Precisely because they are not beholden to special interests and are not required to be profitable (even then, I do pay for it via a cable package) means that they can plausibly separate themselves from favouritism or accusations of bias.

Fox has to turn a profit. It doesn’t matter if they break a huge story or claim that Bat Boy was found. The bottom line is all that matters, and that’s why it has become the cesspool it has become. I remember when Fox was a viable counter to CNN. Now, it is literally unwatchable.

Conversely, a state-supported enterprise has no special interests to which it might be beholden?