
Chris Matthews on Glenn Beck and Frank Gaffney

Lateralis2/03/2011 6:05:32 pm PST

re: #249 Obdicut

Actually, what he says, directly, is that Beck is like some of the raving lunatics in Egypt right now.

Must of missed when he said Egypt?

Why are you willing to dismiss that obvious fucking danger of Beck accusing Obama and liberals in general of attempting to undermine the US, destroy our society, and cause global Marxism or a caliphate or whatever? If someone believes him, what would the obvious course of action be?

Yes I will dismiss it. I am not going to keep anybody from saying shit like, from either side, unless they are outright calling for violence against the government or individuals. People have been spouting this type of rhetoric since the beginning of this country. They used to have duals over political disagreements for Gods sake. So what if he thinks Obama is destroying the country. From Beck’s and many American’s perspective he is destroying the country. Just like like many Americans thought Bush did. Time for knee jerk liberal response - HE DID!