
Overnight Open Thread

eon6/30/2009 5:15:10 am PDT

re: #243 wahabicorridor

And therein lies the rub.

It would be a good thing for me to stop smoking - BUT THE GOV’T SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO FORCE ME TO DO SO.

Personal property should be inviolate, Kelo notwithstanding. If the owner of such a dwelling wishes to sell and can find a buyer willing to buy as it, the gov’t should stay the fuck out of it.

And don’t forget - Obama was in front of the cameras yesterday (again) talking about light bulbs.

You first, Messiah Boy. Replace all the bulbs in the White House chandaliers with flourescents.

Other than that, good morning.

And in the name of “protecting the environment”, we’re supposed to bring glass containers enclosing mercury into our domiciles, and treat every burnt-out light bulb as a potential HAZMAT situation. Oh, and ensure that the mercury-bearing little guilt globes are “disposed of” safely.

The only safe mercury disposal system around here is the local hospital’s, because they use mercury in X-Ray development. I can just imagine how thrilled they’ll be to suddenly find their disposal pipeline overloaded with light bulbs.

Once more we see that with the “enlightened ones”, ideology and dogma always trump reality.

Unfortunately, the rest of us don’t have that luxury. We have to put up with the real thing. Plus the “unintended” consequences of our leaders’ delusions.

/Although I wonder just how “unintended” those consequences really are.

