
Christmas Jazz: Keith Jarrett Trio, "Never Let Me Go"

A Mom Anon12/26/2015 7:37:55 am PST

I hope you all had a great holiday! We’ve had a, shall we say, trying couple of weeks.

Hard drive on the laptop had be replaced. Lost everything, but was smart enough to back up my photos after the first issue a few weeks back.

My daughter caught her husband of not quite two years cheating on her. Three days ago. The same day that her oldest child’s dad (with whom he had been living so he could attend a slightly better school) dumped him off at her house with none of his clothes because their building was ordered evacuated by the health department. Bedbugs.Twelve apartments covered in them in that building. His stepmom threw all his clothes and shoes away. All he had was the clothes on his back and his school backpack. He may be allowed to get his PS3, books and some of his other stuff back later, but the kid has a total of 4 outfits now. So I went and purchased all I could afford to (with the gift card my mom in law sent me for Christmas) and will send it out on Monday.

Let’s just say I am glad the holidays are nearly over. I got nothing from anyone, didn’t decorate, didn’t cook. I baked some cookies and a from scratch cake. I give up. No one comes to see us, we’re never invited anywhere and I give gifts which are NEVER reciprocated. I know, that’s not the reason for giving, but it’s a little disconcerting, let’s just say. Bah Humbug. I quit. I used to be one of those Martha Stewart type women at holiday time. I had THREE trees, decorated the hearth, made all this food, ran myself stupid. No. More. This year I did the bare minimum and we ate at a crappy buffet (which I will NOT do again, I’ll cook rather than wade through that nastiness again)and I took my dog out into the yard and cried. I give up.