
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/30/2010 7:09:26 am PDT

re: #255 lawhawk

Okay. Wherever the story originates from, it’s a smear. Every landlord has tenant complaints. All of them. This bit is also in the story:

Records show that in general the problems were resolved after complaints were lodged with officials; often, the problems reoccurred.

That would describe every apartment building I’ve ever lived in.

Is that material to his veracity and stewardship of a project in Manhattan? Perhaps. It definitely speaks to his character, and I think it does to his financial responsibility.

I don’t think that he is the sole person responsible for the project, is he? So what do you mean by ‘Stewardship’?

And if you think that other high profile projects aren’t scrutinized in the City, you’re sorely mistaken (as someone who follows those kinds of deals regularly).

This project is only ‘high-profile’ because the it’s a Muslim community center and Muslims are involved. What other deals at this level are making front-page news, exactly?