
The James O'Keefe Scandal Gets Worse: Ex-Staffer Says He Crossed a Line With Vile 'Kill Cops' Stunt

Dark_Falcon3/20/2015 8:57:58 pm PDT

re: #13 HappyWarrior

Yeah I remember reading about the Canuck letter in All the President’s Men. Nixon sure did employ a lot of genuine scumbags. Win at all costs.

Richard Nixon was the worse type of failed president: Unlike Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter, who were not up to the job but were still decent men who tried to do the right thing, by 1972 Nixon had become a viscous, bitter, ends-justify-the-means president who did not care about the violence he was doing to America’s system of government.

In his focus only on himself and his goals to the exclusion of legitimate questions of if his goals were the right ones or if his methods were wrong because of the harm they did, Richard Nixon in fact came to resemble Woodrow Wilson, whose presidency also ended in failure large part because of an isolated president who would accept no views other than his own. Thus Nixon ranks as one of the two worst presidents of the 20th Century.